Friday, July 30, 2010

Monday, July 29, 1985

Irene and I worked at Genealogy Library. Liz and Craig to be back from Moses Lake Washington today.

Thursday, July 29, 2010
I slept in until 10:00 because Nathanael and I had stayed up very late talking. I worked until about 2:00 PM and then Nathanael and I drove down to Provo for our date. We went to a bunch of places where we had good memories in Orem/Provo and went to dinner at Cafe Rio (which is where our first official date was). At 7:00 we met my mom and dad at Kyna's in Provo and helped her move to a new apartment in south Provo. After that we went to the Provo Cemetery and Squaw Peak and got home at 11:00 PM.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sunday, July 28, 1985

Hi and I went to all our meetings. In the evening we visited Emma Davies and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davies.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Nathanael went to day 2 of the bar exam. He left at 7:15 this morning and got back around 5:15 PM. He is DONE. Officially done with all of law school now. Yay! We have to wait 8 - 10 weeks to get the results, but I'm sure he passed. I worked a little bit, but work was slow and I had a lot of other things to do. I did two loads of laundry, cleaned the bathroom, did the dishes, went to Leatherby's to pick up an ice cream cake, helped make dinner. We had dinner just before 6:00. We had steak, pasta salad, chips and dip and other good stuff. We had ice cream cake for dessert. We talked with the Hansen's for a bit who were outside in their backyard.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Saturday, July 27, 1985

Olive Family Reunion at Raymond Park.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Day one of the Bar Exam for Nathanael. Neither of us slept well. He left at 7:20 AM. The exam was held at the South Towne Expo Center. I worked from about 9:00 to 2:30. I went to Walmart with my mom. I read some of the book "Catching Fire." I helped make taco salad for dinner. Nathanael got home at 6:30 pm. I went to the store with him and to get gas in our car. I read some more of my book and watchd an episode of "Lie to Me."

Friday, July 26, 1985

Kathy and Roger to be back from Billings, Montana tonight. Hi to see Dr. Berry at 1:00 PM. Irene and I went to shower for Tammy Marie and Becky and Lynnette came also. Lynn and Kent Henderson came later. Baby shower for Tammy Bird. We visited and listened to jokes.

Monday, July 26, 2010
I worked from approximately 10:00 to 3:30. I scrapbooked more of our cruise pictures. I went to Barnes & Noble with my mom and bought the book "Catching Fire." We had leftovers for dinner. Nathanael got home at 7:00 and was soaking wet because it rained. We watched the movie "The Bounty Hunter" and went to bed around 11:00 PM.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thursday, July 25, 1985

Hi and I each did 2 endowments in Idaho Falls Temple.

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Went to church from 11:00 to 2:00 today. Nathanael and I taught the 4-5 year olds about sharing. I gave the opening prayer in Sacrament Meeting. After church we helped fix dinner. We had barbecued spare ribs and salads and corn on the cob. I scrapbooked a lot of our cruise pictures. Nathanael and my dad and I went on a walk around 8:45 pm. When we came back we had Root Beer Floats. Nathanael is watching "My Name Is Earl."

Wednesday, July 24, 1985

Kathy and Roger to leave for Billings about noon. We're to take care of Telena and Gregory. Marcine and Clarence will be back from Salt Lake tonight and will take the children Thursday and Friday. Liz and Craig to go to Moses Lake, Washington today.

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Pioneer Day
I woke up about 9:00 and mowed the edges of the lawn outside. Nathanael went to school at 10:00. I went and got a free car wash at a new place that just opened down the street. I went to Robert's and got some scrapbooking supplies. I went with my mom to Ream's and Walmart to get some groceries. We had a barbecue at 6:30. I drove to Salt Lake at 8:00 and met Nathanael at the law school where he's been studying at 8:45. We drove up near Ensign Peak to watch the fireworks. We got home just after 11:00 PM.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Tuesday, July 23, 1985

I went with Hi to Dr. Terry Hansen to get his eyes examined. Hi has a small cataract in right eye. We looked at glasses frames in one optical place. We looked at some things in B Mart and bought 2 pieces of vinyl carpet cover.

Friday, July 23, 2010
I woke up at 9:00. I worked from 9:15 to about 12:00, but work was very slow. At 1:30 I went with my mom and sisters to Gardner Village. We had lunch at Archibald's and then walked around the shops. It was a very fun afternoon. We got home about 5:00 and I took a little nap. My mom and Megan and I went to see the movie "Toy Story 3" at The District at 7:15. After the movie we stopped at Walmart and got pizza and ice cream. We made the pizza for dinner and ate about 10:00 PM. Nathanael got home just before we did and is watching "My Name is Earl."

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monday, July 22, 1985

Hi went to dentist Berry's at 2:30 PM. I went with Irene to work at genealogy library. I helped HI in the morning to measure back fence for distance between posts.

Thursday, July 22, 2010
I woke up at 9:00 this morning and worked from about 9:30 to 3:00. I went outside and finished reading the book "The Hunger Games." It was pretty good. I am going to read the second one. I ate dinner with my mom and dad about 6:00. I watched a movie, "Remember Me" from about 7:00 to 8:45. I didn't like it very much. I went on a walk with my mom around 9:00.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sunday, July 21, 1985

Hi and I went to our meetings at 5th ward. Gregory Jones birthday. We went to Kathy's and had ice cream and cake and some chicken.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I woke up at 9:00 AM and worked on and off until 7:45 PM. Work was very slow and sporadic, so I just had to take what I could get. In the meantime, I started reading "The Hunger Games" and uploaded and printed out pictures from Walgreens. I helped my dad make chicken pillows for dinner. I took Megan to mutual at 7:00. My mom and I went on a walk at 8:30 and got back just before 9:00.

Saturday, July 20, 1985

I made the bed up in back bedroom. Went to see Emma Davis. Hi changed the water at Emma's. Bishop Pincock to take Emma to see the viewing of her sister in law in Blackfoot.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Our 5 year anniversary today. I worked for an hour then went downtown to meet Nathanael for lunch. We went to the Lion House Pantry for lunch. It was good. We walked around Temple Square for about an hour. It was nice, but very hot. Nathanael gave me a book, "The Hunger Games" even though I told him not to get me a present. I didn't get him anything. I went to Gateway afterward and did a little shopping. I got home at 3:45 and worked from 4:00 to 5:00. Aaron came home at 5:30 and at 6:00 we all went to the new In-N-Out Burger that Melanie is going to be working at. They were open for family and friends of the employees and we all got a free meal. I don't really like the food there. We got back around 7:30 and me, my mom and dad and Aaron talked in the backyard for about an hour. My mom and I went on a walk. Nathanael came home at 9:30 (which was early! Yay) and we watched a movie, "When In Rome." It was a good day.

Friday, July 19, 1985

Hi and I went to temple. Went through 11 AM and 2 PM sessions. We had lunch at the temple. We visited Carl and Amy Kempton. Carl walked using the parallel bars. Hi and I went to the Grandleton Mall. Talked to a young lady in Schudochs about the gospel.

Monday, July 19, 2010
Work was slow. I didn't do nearly as much as I would've liked. I went to Lehi at 5:00 PM and Lisa and I went to a cycling class from 6:00 to 7:00 at the Lehi Legacy Center. We drove around after and looked at some houses to rent. :) I got home at 9:00 PM.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Thursday, July 18, 1985

I washed some clothes and 2 of my dresses. Ready to go to Temple tomorrow.

Sunday, July 18, 2010
We went to church from 11:00 to 2:00 PM. Nathanael and I taught primary. The kids were very rowdy today and we were very tired. Not a good combination. All well. My mom didn't go to church because she was sick in the night due to medicine she took for pain for a root canal she had. I made shrimp scampi for dinner and we ate at 4:15 PM. Nathanael studied for a bit here and I made cookies upstairs. We finished watching Les Miserables from the night before. Nathanael and I went on a walk around 7:30 but it was very hot, so we didn't go far, and came and sat in the shady backyard for awhile. It was nice to get to spend some time with him. Later we watched the movie "Proof" and Melanie joined us. In the middle of the movie my dad and Nathanael gave my mom a blessing to help her with the pain and to help her be able to sleep. We finished the movie and went to bed around midnight.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wednesday, July 17, 1985

Hi went to see Dr. Call for a check up and Hi is to go in for treadmill test on July 31st. We bought a 6 inch fan for bedroom. We bought the bottom heating unit and Hi installed it in oven. Hi and I went to Maag Drug and bought a hammer tool .... pad. Paid ID .... Store on lay away.

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Woke up around 9:30 this morning and cleaned our little apartment. At 10:45 I went out and mowed the backyard and finished around noon. It was over 100 degrees today and it was very, very hot. I had lunch and ran a few errands. I took a nap in the afternoon. At 6:00 my mom and I went to The District to Target, Red Robin for dinner, and JC Penney. I bought some things for someone's birthday coming up. :) We got home just before 9:00 and my mom and I went on a walk. We got back at 9:30 and I went to Walmart to get some things for dinner tomorrow and a few other little groceries Nathanael and I needed.

Tuesday, July 16, 1985

Went to Kathy's to see if pattern fit. Kathy wrote on pattern and ironed pattern ... Blake and I made cupcakes for Telena's Birthday slumber party. Blake went to .... Park in evening for awards night on baseball. Hi went home teaching and after he got home we went out to ball park and took Blake home.

Friday, July 16, 2010
I woke up around 9:00 and worked until about 11:00. Melanie and I went over to Megan's graduation from horse camp, but we were late. They did the awards early, so we missed them, but we got to see her horse and have lunch there with her and my parents. I got back around 12:30 and tried to work a bit more. There wasn't a whole lot of work to do, though. I took a nap in the afternoon. I watched the movie "Dear John" by myself while everyone else was out doing things. I went to bed around 11:00 and Nathanael came home around midnight or 12:30.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Monday, July 15, 1985

I paid a lot of bills today. I worked at Genealogy Library and Newel Widdison's grandson came in - His name is Lynn Scott. I mailed a letter. They were redoing the park in lot at the post office. Yesterday we went to visit Greg and Barbara. On way home Mr. Wilson asked us to go with them to 31 FLavors to get ice cream cones. Mailed baby things to Liz.

Thursday, July 15, 2010
I woke up at 9:25 this morning and worked from 9:45 until 2:30 PM. I met Kera and baby Ethan at Thanksgiving Point at 3:45 PM. We went to the farm country and looked at the animals and then got milkshakes. She was leaving to go back to Oregon tomorrow. I sure will miss her! At 5:30 I left Thanksgiving Point and drove to Provo to hang out with Kyna. We drove around trying to find places to stay for Nathanael and me for our anniversary. We drove up Provo Canyon and went on a little walk through the canyon and listed to a little concert in a park up the canyon for a bit. I left there at 8:30 PM and got home just after 9:00 PM. Nathanael got home from school around 11:30 PM.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sunday, July 14, 1985

Liz and Craig and Mary-Anne were here. We all went to 5th Ward meetings. Liz and Craig left our place at 2:30 PM. We visited Barbara and Greg Wilson. Took us to 31 Flavors for ice cream cones.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Woke up about 9:30 this morning and worked from 10:00 to about 4:30, off and on. Work was slow today. I went to The District to do some shopping. Dad made soup for dinner and we ate at 6:00. I watched 2 episodes of "Happy Town." My mom and I went on a walk at 8:30 PM and got back just after 9:00. Nathanael is studying late again tonight.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Saturday, July 13, 1985

Miriam and Andie Talbot Reunion at FMC Park. 74 were there. Water fight. Robert and Peg and families did not come.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I woke up at 9:00 and worked from 9:30 to 10:30 AM. At 11:30 I took my mom to LDS Hospital to have a left thumb trigger surgery. We got there at 12:30 and she went in for her procedure at 2:15 and was done at 2:30. We left there at 3:15 PM and got home at 4:00 PM. I worked for about an hour and a half more and then helped my dad make tacos for dinner. I worked a bit more but then there was no more work. I watched 2 episodes of "Happy Town."

Monday, July 12, 2010

Friday, July 12, 1985

Kathy brought the playpen for Mary-Anne to sleep in. Bought groceries at Safeway. Either Thursday or Friday Ralph got the stereo set back from us - the one he bought for us years ago. Liz and Craig and Mary-Anne came and stayed with us.

Monday, July 12, 2010
I woke up around 9:00 AM and worked from about 9:30 until 2:30 this afternoon. I went to Target to get some large band-aids (for my leg) and some plastic paper covers for my piano notebook. My mom and I made Chef Salad for dinner and we ate just after 6:00 PM. My mom and I went on a walk around 7:30 PM. It was very hot. We got back just after 8:00 PM. I did 3 large loads of laundry today and folded them and put away some of it. I watched 2 episodes of "Happy Town" while I did laundry. My dad was in the basement while I was watching trying to fix the boiler so we can have hot water. Going to bed now. Nathanael should be home around 11:30 PM.

Thursday, July 11, 1985

I got my hair colored and set. Carpet and couch still wet. We tried to clean book case and get some things back in place. Bought groceries at Safeway.

Sunday, July 11, 2010
We went to church from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. It was raining all morning. Nathanael and I taught the 4-5 year old Primary class about saying thank-you. We had beef stew and rolls for lunch at 2:45 and I took a nap from about 3:30 to 6:00 PM. I guess I was really tired. We had a brief FHE around 6:30 on The Constitution. Nathanael taught the lesson. My mom and I went on a walk and we stopped and talked to some neighbors. Aaron was down from Logan to attend his friends farewell. He watched a movie with Nathanael and me, "Saving Silverman" around 9:00 PM. We went to bed just before midnight.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wednesday, July 10, 1985

Wenwood-Rainbow Cleaning came and shampooed living room hall and walkway in bedroom and cleaned couch and part on ...
I called Lynn about 7:30 PM in California about the Olive Reunion. I worked too hard and had cramps in legs and knees.

Saturday, July 10, 2010
I woke up about 9:30 and I mowed the lawn edges and did some weeding until about 1:30 PM. I made sandwiches for myself and mom and dad for lunch and we ate lunch around 2:00 PM. At 3:30 I went with my mom and we ran some errands and did some shopping at The District. We came home at 5:15 and at 5:45 my mom and I drove to the Covey Center in Provo to see the play Erin's Promise because Megan was an extra in the play. We went to dinner at Los Hermanos afterward and got home about 11:15 PM.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Tuesday, July 9, 1985

A man from Alco ... Company of Colorado came and showed us windows. They were nice, but real expensive.

Friday, July 9, 2010
I woke up about 8:45 this morning and worked from about 9:15 to 2:30. Work was slow today and I ran out of work to do. I straightened our apartment up and then went to Walmart to get a few things. I helped my mom make Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner and we ate about 6:30 PM. My mom and I went on a walk around 7:45 PM. At 8:30 I watched the movie "Everybody's Fine" and sewed buttons onto the curtains for the basement. We found the dog "Harley" again and we are watching him until we can get a hold of the owners. It's 11:00 PM and Nathanael is not home from school yet, but should be here any minute.

Monday, July 8, 1985

Irene and I worked at Genealogy Library. Davies youngest daughter Marie and husband Jerry Root are here with the Davies. I sold her 5 sets of butterflies. In the evening a man came to give us a bid on putting siding on the house.

Thursday, July 8, 2010
I worked from about 9:30 to 3:30. Nathanael got a job offer from a law firm in Lehi. I went to Provo at 6:00 to hang out with Kyna. We had dinner and went to the mall and watched part of a movie. I got home at 10:45 PM.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 3 - 7 1985

Wednesday, July 3, 1985
Laura, Brad and 2 friends stopped here to let us know Bob and Dee Ann wouldn't be here until Friday on way home.

Thursday, July 4, 1985
Independence Day
We watched some fireworks from our front yard.

Friday, July 5, 1985
Bob and Dee Ann and 3 youngest children stopped for a little visit on their way home from Island Park. Hi bought groceries this morning so we'd have something for Bob and family to eat.

Saturday, July 6, 1985
Paid Masseys in full and paid (on loan) to Beneficial Life and Renewed Pok Science for 2 years. Made checks for tithing, etc and bought groceries at Safeway.

Sunday, July 7, 1985
We went to our meetings at 5th ward.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Saturday night we went to the hill near our house with our parents and watched fireworks over the valley. My leg was still hurting and ankle very swollen so we didn't go very far. We found a stray Yorkie and he slept over this night because we could not find his owners.

Sunday, July 4, 2010
Independence Day
We went to church from 11:00 to 2:00. We taught Primary about showing gratitude. Nathanael does most of it. My leg was still hurting a lot. Sunday evening at 5:00 we went to a BBQ at the Hansen's with the May's and Carroll's. It was really fun. After the barbecue, we did a few little fireworks in the front yard and then watched a movie, "The Recruit" in our basement with Aaron and Candace and Skyler and Amber and Megan. I went to bed before the movie was over.

Monday, July 5, 2010
Everyone had the day off work today. Nathanael went to school to study since he took all of yesterday off. I sewed on some buttons for the curtains downstairs. We had another barbecue in the evening. John Aurich was there because he had helped my dad all day trimming trees in the backyard. Kyna Taylor came to visit in the evening.

Tuesdsay, July 6, 2010
I worked for several hours. I called Animal Control about the dog and they came and got him. It was very sad. We had decided we wanted to keep him if his owners did not claim him. He is very cute.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I worked from about 10:30 to 3:00 and then went to a store called Fashion Warehouse. I helped my mom make dinner when I got back. I made peanut butter brownies in the evening. The owner of the dog we found (we called him Harley) called us back and they went to the animal shelter to pick him up. We wish we could have kept him. I worked again in the evening from about 9:45 to 10:45 and then went to bed.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Tuesday, July 2, 1985

Irene and I and Jean King and Lerah Wallace and Sister Martineau went to work meeting at 6:30 at Gwen Street building. Hi bought more parts and worked on Ralph's truck and got it running good. Jean King and I went visiting teaching at 3:00 PM.

Friday, July 2, 2010
I woke up at 8:30. I worked for an hour then got ready and went to Domino's to pick up 6 pizzas for my mom's school class. I took them to her class at 11:30 and stayed there until just after 12:00. I came back and worked for a bit more. I helped straighten some of Melanie's hair and then I took a nap from about 2:30 to 3:30 PM. I worked a bit more and then at 5:15 me, Megan and my parents went to the Riverton Parade because Melanie was in it for the musical "Hairspray" she is in at the Riverton Civic Center. We got home just after 9:00 PM. My ankle is very, very swollen so I iced it for awhile and now I'm going to bed.

Monday, July 1, 1985

Irene and I worked at Genealogy Library.

Thursday, July 1, 2010
I did not take Megan to school today. Nathanael took her. I asked him too because my leg was hurting. It was her last day of summer school. I woke up about 8:45 and worked for a few hours. I went next door to Hansen's and visited with Lisa and Susan. I came back and for a few more hours and went back to Hansen's for a little while to visit. I came back at 5:30 and made spaghetti for dinner. We ate at 6:00. I watched a movie, "Tuck Everlasting" so I could rest and elevate my swollen ankle ( from my burn). At 9:30 I decided I should go to the doctor because my ankle was getting so swollen and painful. My mom took me to Copperview Medical Center (Nathanael was at the gym) and we got in just 2 minutes before they closed! I saw a Dr. Wallace who said my leg had a secondary bacteria infection. He gave me a prescription for an oral and topical antibiotic and a prescription for Lortab. He numbed my burn and told me to take off all the dead skin when I got home and put the antiobiotic cream on it and bandage it. We went to Walgreens to get the prescriptions filled (they cost $45 total) and we finally got home about 11:20 PM. I took off some of the dead skin ( I think most of it) and put the cream on and put a bandage on it. The doctor told me to use a woman's sanitary pad for the bandage because the material won't stick, but it will help it heal! So I put that on it. I took my medicine and went to bed.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sunday, June 30, 1985

We attended all our meetings in the 5th ward.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Isaac Swift stayed at our house last night. We picked him up around 4:15 at the SLC airport yesterday, Tuesday June 29th. We had a nice roast beef dinner at 6:00. Nathanael and Isaac played Yahtzee the whole night. :) This morning I took Megan to school at 8:30 but could barely walk because the pain in my leg was so severe. I got home at 9:15 and worked for an hour. Nathanael came home at 11:15 and at 11:30 we drove to Provo. We went to lunch at The Smokehouse in Orem and then took Isaac to the MTC at 1:15. He will be serving in Kobe, Japan after 12 weeks in the MTC. It was kind of sad to see him go, but we are so, so excited for him. We got back home around 2:30 and we both took naps. I woke up about 3:15 and worked for about an hour and a half. Nathanael slept until about 4:15. We had leftovers for dinner and Nathanael went to the gym around 6:30 and got back around 8:30. We watched NewsRadio on TV. My leg was hurting really badly. I bandaged it and took Ibuprofen and went to bed.