Monday, May 10, 2010

Friday, May 10, 1985

Warren Widdison Reception 7 to 9 PM Fantastic Inn Rexburg. We didn't go.

Monday, May 10, 2010
It was really hard trying to get back in the swing of things today! I woke up with a huge headache and was tired all day. I worked for a bit, but it was really slow. Did some laundry, Nathanael did most of it and folded all of it. I ran some errands, went to Kera's, went to Walgreens to get pictures, went to Roth's. I made chimichangas for dinner. I was on the computer fixing pictures from our trip and blogging for awhile. Nathanael worked on some of our video from our trip making it into a DVD. I need to finish unpacking from our trip.

Thursday, May 9, 1985

The dinner (Brigham Young) turned out nice. June Martineaus and Alease Larsen didn't come. The food was nice and Sister Loveland gave a history. Maude Miner gave the lesson.

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
We got back last night (Saturday) from our trip. We flew into Seattle from Fort Lauderdale and got there at 9:30 PM. Nathanael's mom Jacquelyn came and picked us up from the airport. Today I woke up around 7:00 AM and Nathanael slept until about 9:30 AM. Talitha and John came over to the Swift's and made waffles and bacon for breakfast. We gave Jacquelyn some gifts for Mother's Day and we left there at 11:30 AM. We got back to Salem just before 3:00 PM. Nathanael took a nap. I called my mom. We watched TV. I made chicken fettuchini for dinner and we rested and watched TV. I should've unpacked and done some laundry, but I didn't. I was exhausted! I went to bed around 10:30 PM. We had such a fun vacation, but it is good to be home!