Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thursday, October 10, 1985

Thursday evening Peg picked Mel up at Idaho Falls Hospital. They had a special prayer meeting and fasting that evening at 8:00 PM. Took Mel back to Idaho Falls Hospital. 5th Ward Relief Society had a fall social smorgasbord. Hi and I fasted. I brought food home for Hi and I at 9:00 PM. It was also visiting teaching seminar. In morning and afternoon Barbara Williams cleaned my west cupboards. I gave a talk a the seminar.

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Well, it might take me awhile to get used to doing this every night again. We had a really good weekend. My neck still hurts a lot, but it feels better than it did on Thursday. On Friday I went to our ward's "Fabulous Friday" event, which is like "Super Saturday," but not, because it was on a Friday night which I thought was really lame. Anyway, I went with my mom and we made some clocks. They were very time consuming and I messed up big time on one of them, but it was fun to go together and get a little "crafty." On Saturday Nathanael went on a long run and I went to the library and run a few other errands. At 5:30 we left and went to dinner at some new friends that we met, Aunna and Phillip. Nathanael met Aunna while he was studying for the Utah Bar and we've hung out twice, now. They are a very nice couple. I hope we'll hang out with them more. Today, Sunday, we went to church at 11:00. It was Fast Sunday and the ward was supposed to fast for our Bishop's youngest son, Benjamin, who they've just discovered has tumors in his head and will need chemotherapy for a year. It's very sad and he is just the cutest little boy. We really hope he will get better. In primary we had all 6 boys there and we taught a lesson about how making wise choices helps us choose the right. We had a special sacrament meeting combined with the 9th Ward and they split their ward to include into some of our ward, the 1st ward. After church I had a little nap and we had a yummy roast beef dinner at 4:30. Nathanael and I went on a walk at 6:30 near the Oquirrh Mountain Temple and we saw 3 deer that came really close to us. It was cold, so we didn't stay out long.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Well...I thought I was done with this blog. I just kind of forgot to do it, and then it seemed like I was too far behind and it seemed silly to just start it up again randomly. However, I miss my grandma. I felt close to her while reading her daily entries and I missed knowing what she was up to and thinking about her multiple times throughout the day. So here I am again, after not making an entry in over 2 months. I can't believe it is already October. This week the weather has gotten cold and stormy and I am already missing summer and longing for the hot days and warm nights. All well.
Yesterday I hurt my neck somehow and I woke up this morning not being able to move my head at all. Very inconvenient, and painful. It's feeling a little better tonight, but I sure hope it feels better tomorrow. I have a busy weekend ahead of me. Today I didn't do much (because I was in so much pain) so I worked, rather slowly, and then this afternoon I laid on my chair and watched the longest movie I've ever seen: My Fair Lady. Ugh. What a terrible movie. That is coming from a girl who absolutely adores Audrey Hepburn and musicals, especially from 50 years ago. :) I really disliked that movie. So it was kind of a waste of time, but at least I got to rest and keep heat on my neck and back. That's about all I've done today. Pretty boring, but I was trying to rest. Last night I had a girls night over at our "apartment" and that was fun (minus the not being able to turn my head part). I like girls nights.

Monday, October 7, 1985
I cleaned the oven and racks in the stove. Hiram and I traced and cut out hearts for the Relief Society Smorgasbord and visiting teaching social. Irene and I worked at Genealogy Library. I bought some white ribbon for the red hearts.

Back to 2010:
I love that my grandpa was helping my grandma cut out hearts for the RS "smorgasbord". So cute! I wish I could have seen them doing that. While I was watching My Fair Lady today, I thought that my grandma kind of looked like Audrey Hepburn when my grandma was younger. There is a picture hanging by our TV of my grandma when she was 19 and she is so stunningly beautiful. She could have been an actress.
The end.
Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow.