Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Saturday, January 12, 1985

"Bought groceries at Smith's. Took bananas to Kathy and Ralph. I did 2 batches of washing and washed two shelves in kitchen cupboard. "

Although it's not exactly the same, I did do my grocery shopping today (though it was at Walmart, not Smith's. ) and I did a load of laundry (although it's still sitting on my couch waiting to be folded, which I'm sure my grandma did not leave her laundry sitting out. I'm sure she folded and put it away right away. All well.) I think it still counts.

1 comment:

  1. Remember that grandma had to work outside of the home most of the time. She also did her laundry with a wringer washer most of her life. We got a dryer when I was about 6. It was a few years after that when we got an electric washing machine. Grandma was amazing and wonderful but she was not perfect. Yes, she often had clean laundry on her bed waiting to be folded. I will need to find and send to you a great picture of grandpa when he climbed into bed under all the clean laundry.
