Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thursday, June 20, 1985

One day this week Hi and I took 8 Mexicans and 40 sets of butterflies to Debby Coroy to be displayed at the stake expressions fireside on 6/23. Margaret and Hiram went to Dr. Berrey - Dentist and had their teeth cleaned. It cost us $102.60. We bought a light for fridge today and paid for and got pictures from Buttreys.

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day
Today was not only Father's Day, but was my mom's 55th birthday as well. Megan and Melanie and I made breakfast for everyone this morning. We made French Toast and sausage and bacon and eggs and ate at 9:15 AM. We got ready for church and went to church at 11:00 AM. Nathanael and I taught the 4-5 year old Primary class for the second time. We had 5 boys in our class today and taught them about being a peacemaker in their home. I went home during Sharing Time and put the potatoes in the oven for dinner and decorated the kitchen and did the dishes and went back to church for Sacrament Meeting. After church we made dinner. We had pasta salad, green salad, twice baked potatoes, and steak. We ate around 4:00 PM. Nathanael and I took naps after dinner and then Nathanael called his family. It's also his mom's birthday today and his brother Isaac's 19th birthday today. At 7:00 PM we did presents and cake and ice cream. My dad gave a little "speech" about how much he loves my mom and how much she's sacrificed for all of us. It was very sweet. I am grateful to have parents who love one another so much and who genuinely care so much and respect each other so much. They are a wonderful example. After dessert, my mom and dad and Aaron and Nathanael and I (and Jackson) went on a walk. It was a really good day. It's been a good weekend.

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